Discovering Servant Leadership
This website features the texts and tapes of a nine-lecture series presented by Dr. Kent M. Keith on Christian servant leadership. The lectures were sponsored by the New Institute and were taped at a studio at New Hope Church in Hawaii.

In this lecture series, Dr. Keith explores how to be a servant leader. He takes the teachings of the Bible and connects them with daily reality, addressing practical questions that are important regardless of what kind of organization one is leading in the ministry or the marketplace. Along the way, he shares plenty of stories about servant leaders in action, stories that illustrate their effectiveness in the real world.
In preparing the lectures, Dr. Keith drew upon a number of his books and articles on servant leadership. He also added stories that he has never told before. The result is a unique text that is available nowhere else.
Each tape is followed by a short Q &A session with the studio audience.
The text of all nine lectures is available here.
(Click image to open the PDF)